How To Repair Windows XP Initializing NTLoader

At this stage PBR enable ntldr.exe duty load boot- manager boot.ini

What Effect?

system crashes and fails to boot

What Caused It?

1. NTLDR file on drive C : \ corupt or erased , like for fun or because of contact with the virus the same result
2. NTLDR file on drive C : \ not there from the beginning because of its Windows XP installed on a partition other than C: \ ( D: \ etc. )

What Indicator?

the error message " NTLDR is missing"

What Solution?

copy the file back NTDETECT missing.
into the recovery console ( boot using the Windows installation CD ) and type:

If you install Windows XP OS in addition to the partition C: \ ( eg to D : \ n etc. ) due to mistaken or deliberate or forced or did not know the rule of Windows XP , so finished installing n log onto Windows , directly copy the files NTLDR ( which is not in the folder in a partition systems that we install , for example, D : \ etc. ) to partition C: \

If the cause is a virus , used to clean the virus from the system partition ( Articulated hard disk , use antivirus scan , if ga detect , find manual suspicious files and then get rid of forever , that this need experiences n knowledge of many of the Windows XP file )

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