15 Causes Blue Screen Of Death and Safe Solutions

Blue Screen Of Death

is something which sounds strange to some people . because the problem appeared recently on the windows 8 which users are still very new to the operating system he uses.

a lot of things that are not intentionally done later resulted bluescreen of death . one example when you do not accidentally end task windows explorer in the task manager and then lead into a blue screen and you are at a loss with it

How To Fix It

will usually appear blank blue as shown above. how to overcome these problems ? what we can do when blue screen PC . please follow these steps

  • The first step to do is recall the problem that caused the blue screen , if it is done due to accidentally end task windows explorer please go to the next step
  • If the blank blue screen thing to do is to restore the windows explorer to run again
  • To restart windows explorer is a way to open the task manager with the key combination ctrl + alt + del. to open the following menu
  • Then select a task manager to open the task manager
  • Select tab file then click run new task
  • klik browse and then find explorer.exe on windows. C:\windows\explorer.exe   --> open
  • then click OK on  Run

blue screen cause the system to run is not normal .As for the other things that cause bluescreen :

15 Causes Blue Screen

  • Unexpected Kernel Mode Trap (stop code 0X0000007F)
  • Unmountable Boot Volume (stop code 0X000000ED)
  • Status System Process Terminated (stop code 0Xc000021A)
  • Status Image Checksum Mismatch (stop code 0Xc0000221)
  • Page Fault In Nonpaged Area (stop code 0X00000050)
  • NTFS File System (stop code 0X00000024)
  • No More System PTEs (stop code 0X0000003F)
  • Kmode Exception Not Handled (stop code 0X0000001E)
  • Kernel Data Inpage Error (stop code 0X0000007A)
  • Inaccessible Boot Device (stop code 0X0000007B)
  • Hardware Interrupt Storm (stop code 0X000000F2)
  • Driver Unloaded Without Cancelling Pending Operations (stop code 0X000000CE)
  • Driver Power State Failure (stop code 0X0000009F)
  • Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal (stop code 0X000000D1)
source for indonesia : http://www.jurnalweb.com/penyebab-blue-screen-windows-dan-cara-mengatasinya/
enough so may be useful. for other problems please write in the comment

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At this stage PBR enable ntldr.exe duty load boot- manager boot.ini

What Effect?

system crashes and fails to boot

What Caused It?

1. NTLDR file on drive C : \ corupt or erased , like for fun or because of contact with the virus the same result
2. NTLDR file on drive C : \ not there from the beginning because of its Windows XP installed on a partition other than C: \ ( D: \ etc. )

What Indicator?

the error message " NTLDR is missing"

What Solution?

copy the file back NTDETECT missing.
into the recovery console ( boot using the Windows installation CD ) and type:

If you install Windows XP OS in addition to the partition C: \ ( eg to D : \ n etc. ) due to mistaken or deliberate or forced or did not know the rule of Windows XP , so finished installing n log onto Windows , directly copy the files NTLDR ( which is not in the folder in a partition systems that we install , for example, D : \ etc. ) to partition C: \

If the cause is a virus , used to clean the virus from the system partition ( Articulated hard disk , use antivirus scan , if ga detect , find manual suspicious files and then get rid of forever , that this need experiences n knowledge of many of the Windows XP file )

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How To Repair Windows XP Initializing Partition Boot Record (PBR)

What Effect PBR?

Booting Failed

How Did it Happen?

same as the MBR , the absence of the active partition on the hard disk , install a Linux OS Never reformat the partition and then forcing her use non Linux

What Indicators PBR?

1. If a total failure : unrecognized partition and display the message "Invalid Partition Table "
2. Failing in part : boot road continues , but does not enter into Windows , even up to the blue screen before logging on

What Solutions of PBR?

1. First save the file in your hard disk to another hard drive if worried after the experiment even worse or being in a diligent fashion and got a lot of free hard disk space ( suggestion : use a Linux live CD , which ve ever test, the most nice detect and performance on Ubuntu 9:04 )
2. using tools TestDisk and select " Fix Partition Table " or " Recover Deleted Partition "
3. if already been installed Linux and want to return the system partition back so the system partition of Windows , use a live Linux CD 's format it ( n ext partition deleted swap his first) to NTFS , new later handed to install Windows XP CD remainder (delete new again gabungin swap with former ext3 or ext4 tux Linux OS ) · If there are partitions unpartition space ( though based we are confident that once the size NTFS or FAT32 partitions ) , leave it alone . A later use software Active Partition Recovery Enterprise for restore it to normal .

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How to Repair Windows XP Initializing Master Boot Record (MBR)

In this phase, the BIOS checks the MBR and the start sequence / order booting , if damaged can still be repaired / restore for track 0 , side 0 , n 1 hard disk sector has not been corrupted / bad sectors

What Effect?

The Boot Process Failed

What Caused It?

1. Virus ( Virus Again !!!)
2. bad sector di track 0, side 0, n sector 1 hard disk

What Indicators?

the message " Missing Operating System" and the computer does the road again.

How To Solve It?

1. First save files that are considered important in the hard drive to hard drive Another worry if after the experiment even more severe or moderate in a diligent fashion n has many free hard disk space ( suggestion : use live Linux CD , that I have ever test, the most nice detect and performance Ubuntu 9.04
2. Booting with Windows XP installation CD - > select Recovery console or Press R during boot CD . When it appeared the recovery Her console type fixmbr . Then windows will fix the MBR is damaged .
3. Use Hiren's boot CD can also be
4. it could also articulated its hard disk to a computer that is nice then fix its MBR - use software, so just click click wait and finish

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1. Electric Shock
2. Electric Current Unstable
3. Forcibly turn of the PC
4. Consumables life


all the boots process fails !
(don't panic)


It does not display anything(blank screen) even though the lights indicators flame power supply to the motherboard, the processor fan work, and harddisk is also active

Indicator lamp in the harddisk lights continuously


1. Make sure the motherboard is faulty if not , how it should be in testing one by one to the other computer components is ensured still good
2. If it becomes clear that damaged is the motherboard , first check whether there charred components on the motherboard , if yes , do not have much thought , buy a new mainboard that support degan processor still good
3. if nothing is charred , just take the place of service computer quality (if you can not / dare to make your own ) and told to check mainboardnya , if damaged indeed its BIOS , ordered to replace wrote the same another compatible

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